Randy Feenstra Has Sold You Out

Now It's Time For Iowa To Send Him Home

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It's Time To Hold Randy Accountable!

A Congressman Who Is Afraid Of His Constituents

Congressman Randy Feenstra has spent the past four years hiding from his voters.

He never speaks to the public and he only shows up for photo ops that his staff don't want to announce until AFTER the event is over!

Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Feenstra's campaign website feenstraforcongress.com

That's because he's not working for Iowa voters...

He only answers to his big donors!

Randy's campaign raised $810,000 in the first quarter of 2024...but almost all of it came from PACs and mega-donors in Washington DC and Virginia.

Only $22,482 came from Iowa's 4th District. That's less than 3%!

Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Over 97% of Randy’s campaign donations come from outside his district. That’s why he doesn’t feel like he needs to answer to his constituents.

That’s because they aren’t the ones keeping Randy in office!

A Democrat Who Pretends To Be a Conservative

From Politico:

“I’m told by well-placed Republicans that Rep. Randy Feenstra, who represents a deeply conservative and rural western Iowa district, was tempted to endorse Haley but determined it was just too risky.”

Source: Politico
Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Randy has been photographed with Nikki Haley dozens of times, but photos of him with Donald Trump are more rare than photos of Bigfoot

Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Western Iowa is one of the most conservative congressional districts in America...

And yet RINO Randy’s voting record is in the bottom 28% of Republicans in Congress, when measuring his compliance with the Constitution!

Randy has repeatedly voted against the interests of his constituents, and has often voted to limit and even to strip Americans of their constitutional rights and property rights!

With a “Republican” like this in Congress, who needs Democrats?!?

Source: Republican Caucus

Randy's Vote Is For Sale

After just two terms, ‘Congressperson’ Randy Feenstra has built a reputation with America’s biggest donors that his vote is for sale. Here are just a few of his most egregious ‘pay to play’ transactions.

Rep. Feenstra created billions of tax credits for carbon pipelines just one week after receiving a $26,600 donation

Rep. Feenstra created billions of tax credits for carbon pipelines just one week after receiving a $26,600 donation

On April 19, 2023 Summit Carbon Solutions founder Bruce Rastetter donated $26,600 to Feenstra’s campaign. Exactly one week later, on April 26th, the Des Moines Register reported that Feenstra and the other Iowa House Republicans had agreed to vote for a debt ceiling bill after adding billions of tax credits that will enrich Summit and create incentives for eminent domain against Iowa landowners.

Source: Des Moines Register
Rep. Feenstra supported ‘red flag’ laws that strip US citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights after accepting a $100,000 donation

Rep. Feenstra supported ‘red flag’ laws that strip US citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights after accepting a $100,000 donation

In 2020 Randy accepted $100,000 from Main Street PAC, which opposes 2nd Amendment rights and favors red-flag laws. RINO Randy then voted in favor of red-flag laws in a military funding bill. (2021)

Source: YouTubeSource: theiowastandard.com
Most members of Congress bring important guests to the State of the Union address every year...but not Randy.  Randy brings his donors.

Most members of Congress bring important guests to the State of the Union address every year...but not Randy. Randy brings his donors.

In 2024, Randy brought a South Dakota resident (also a maxed-out donor to his campaign) as his guest to the SOTU. Last year he brought another donor who lives outside of his district, who also received a huge USDA grant to build a cattle processing facility in southwestern Iowa. Other members of Congress brought victims of crime and public servants.

Source: The Iowa Standard

Randy Often Sells Out Iowa Families

With His Bad Votes

Rep. Randy Feenstra routinely votes against the interests of his constituents, and votes against the Constitution as often as he votes with it. Here are just a few examples of how he has sold out the people of Western Iowa.

Randy Feenstra Sold Out

The ‘minibus’ bill added half a trillion dollars to the federal deficit and funded a host of unconstitutional federal agencies. As usual, Feenstra enthusiastically voted for it as he has done with nearly every federal spending bill.

Source: Congress.gov
Randy Feenstra Sold Out

Last month the FISA Act, which enables the federal government to spy on American citizens without a warrant, was up for renewal. Randy voted against your Fourth Amendment rights and voted to let the Feds continue to spy on you -- even though there are 278,000 documented instances where they have abused that power. Randy loves the Deep State.

Source: Congress.gov
Randy Feenstra Sold Out

Randy and the Democrats care a lot about Ukraine’s border while doing nothing to protect our own. He has repeatedly voted to send billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine, which puts ‘America Last’, especially when we are already adding $1 trillion of debt to our federal deficit every 100 days. Randy knows nothing about foreign policy and it shows.

Source: Congress.gov
Randy Feenstra Sold Out

Randy voted twice to fund the federal government’s continuing resolutions -- even when over 100 true conservatives in the House voted against, in an effort to force the corrupt Biden administration to close the border. He sold out and didn’t even extract anything from the Democrats in return.

Source: Congress.gov
Randy Feenstra Sold Out

The Department of Education is an unconstitutional agency that has no place in our children’s classrooms. Conservative members of Congress introduced a motion to close it last year and Feenstra voted against them.

Source: Congress.gov
Randy Feenstra Sold Out

The FBI has disgraced itself and squandered its reputation in just a few short years. Increasingly it is being weaponized by the Democratic Party against the American people. It needs to be shut down, or at a minimum restructured. It does NOT deserve a new $300 million headquarters building, and yet Randy voted for exactly that.

Source: Congress.gov

Randy’s Lies

When times get tough, Rep. Randy Feenstra lies. He often spreads blatant lies about his opponents, hoping that the public won’t notice.

Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Claim: Randy Feenstra claims that Sarah’s Law is ‘his bill’.

Truth: ‘Sarah’s Law’ is named after Sarah Root, who was killed in 2016 by an illegal alien who was driving drunk. The criminal posted bail and immediately fled to Honduras, never to be seen again. Former Rep. Steve King drafted Sarah’s Law in 2016 to prevent illegal aliens who have been accused of violent crimes from being released on bail. The bill was drafted years before Feenstra was asked to run for the U.S. House, yet Randy routinely sends out campaign ads claiming that he ‘introduced Sarah’s Law’.

Source: X
Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Claim: Randy Feenstra claims that Kevin Virgil hates Israel and loves Iran, and that Republican vice-presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘radical liberal extremist’.

Truth: In 2019, Republican vice presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard wrote a tweet that criticized President Trump’s foreign policy, stating that it was ‘helpful to the Saudis and Netanyahu, but did not put America First’. Kevin Virgil ‘liked’ that tweet back in 2019 because he agreed that our President should always seek to prioritize American interests. Randy Feenstra, who has zero foreign policy experience, has since accused Virgil of ‘loving Iran’ for ‘liking’ the tweet and has referred to Gabbard, a US Army combat veteran, as a ‘radical liberal extremist’.

Source: X
Randy Feenstra Sold You Out
Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Claim: Randy Feenstra claims that he is protecting Iowans from China’s attempts to buy Iowa farmland.

Truth: China, and other foreign nations, are restricted from buying farmland in Iowa. China owns 0.0% of Iowa’s farmland today, and that amount will not change anytime soon. However, Chinese-owned companies like Smithfield and Syngenta hold enormous influence over the agricultural market and this is a real problem. But that didn’t stop money-hungry Randy Feenstra from accepting donations from each company. As usual, Randy’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Source: X
Randy Feenstra Sold You Out

Rep. Feenstra created billions of tax credits for carbon pipelines just one week after receiving a $26,600 donation

On April 19, 2023 Summit Carbon Solutions founder Bruce Rastetter donated $26,600 to Feenstra’s campaign. Exactly one week later, on April 26th, the Des Moines Register reported that Feenstra and the other Iowa House Republicans had agreed to vote for a debt ceiling bill after adding billions of tax credits that will enrich Summit and create incentives for eminent domain against Iowa landowners.

Source: Des Moines Register

Randy Feenstra has one of the worst constitutional voting records in Congress, and yet he serves one of America’s most conservative districts.

Iowa voters don’t want a representative that is afraid of his constituents, and continues to sell them out in favor of his big out-of-state donors.